Surely, people have thought of going to interesting places using Private Transportation Services. The Guanacaste province has archeological, pre- Columbian and folkloric cities to go with a Costa Rica Private Driver. You won’t miss any detail.
The Importance Of Knowing The History
However, it is important to know that many of historical places have suffered damages, mostly natural. The main goal is to give Guanacaste’s history the value it deserves. Therefore Costa Rica Transportation is in charge of providing the information to get those places.
Private Transportation Services As A Historical Source
Seems like it’s not all about Costa Rica Adventure Tours. Therefore, these places should be considered part of it. Many of Costa Rica Transportation services are offering transfers to the historical places of the province; in order to attract more tourists.
3 Historical Places To Go With Private Transportation Services
- The Ecomuseum Of Abangares: This Ecomuseum is located in the Guanacaste province; specifically in a small city called Abangares. This Ecomuseum was created in 1991, when The Gold Fever persisted and many of the natural resources were affected.
Did you now, the recent abandonment of a mining project, provoke the renaissance of the Fiebre Del Oro. The idea of escaping from the mud with some ounces of gold, has aroused the fever of dozens of thieves.
Its access is made through a tunnel that resembles what were once the mines of the last century. The Ecomuseum recues some buildings, objects, photographs of the time and original machinery.
Make sure the Private Airport Transfer Costa Rica has the route to this destination.
- Hacienda La Pacifica: This amazing Hacienda has more than 2.000 hectares and is located between Corobicí and Tenorio rivers. The Hacienda offers typical Guanacaste experiences, with a lot of gastronomic folklore.
The Hacienda owes its name to Pacífica Fernández Guardia (former daughter of the ex-president Próspero Fernández). This historical place is a hotel with restaurant, an event hall
You won’t regret this historical place. You can book this in the Private Transportation Service Company of your preference.
- The Liberia Barracks: This building is one of the first military constructions in Costa Rica. The barrack has the form of a walled frame and has some ornamental features, with Art Deco elements in its facade.
On December 17, 1998, it was declared as a Historical Architectural Heritage. In 2006, the Guanacaste Museum came into force; here the National System of Music Studies gives music lessons to children.
This historical place is ideal for those who transfer from the Liberia Airport Costa Rica with historical purposes.
Did you now, by the time of 1934, this barrack did not reunite the necessary conditions for its military functions. But later, a social group who supported President Cortes Castro, decided to restore it.
In conclusion, these historical places are the main patrimony in the Guanacaste province. However, the Private Transportation Services companies should consider these as a main Adventure Tour Costa Rica. In order to contribute to the touristic development of the province.
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